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Headers and their Influence on SEO

May 11 / by: Aliah Rasmussen
Heading Tags

  When a search engine crawls the web for results for the search query a person has placed, page headings are particularly important.   In this post, I’ll cover the hidden and visible elements of H1 page headings and why they hold significant importance for search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.   Heading Tags Overview A portion of page headings are actually […]
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Post Ideas for Your Social Media Calendar

May 04 / by: Phil Horton
Social Media Content Calendar Ideas

Do you know that social media plays an essential marketing role for your practice? Not only do your existing patients use it to keep up with you, but new patients use it as part of their decision-making process when choosing a new provider. It’s important to keep your online presence up-to-date but when you already have so much going on […]
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Monitoring Patient Interactions via Social Media

Apr 27 / by: Nicole Gamble
Monitoring Patient Interactions via Social Media

If your practice isn’t already utilizing the social aspect of social media, you could be missing out on a crucial opportunity to build your network and strengthen your social presence. Is your practice looking for some guidance regarding this topic and wondering how it can benefit you? If so, this blog was created with you in mind!  Let’s start with […]
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Say “Yes” to Ad Copy Tests

Apr 20 / by: Michael Fitterer
Ad Copy Testing

Perfection is nearly impossible to achieve. We often strive to be perfect in various ways but the harsh reality is that perfection is very elusive to put it lightly.  The realm of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) marketing is really no different. The perfect ad experience simply doesn’t exist.  However, that doesn’t mean developing an excellent experience for prospective patients isn’t possible. On […]
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Using Instagram to Book Appointments

Apr 13 / by: Phil Horton

Social media is a fantastic way to interact with both current and prospective patients. As social media has become more ingrained in our daily lives, consumers have come to expect more—especially from businesses. If they take the time to comment on a post, they expect a comment or interaction back. If they send you a private message, they expect a […]
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Stop Wasting Ad Budget – Use Negative Keywords

Apr 06 / by: Michael Fitterer
Save Money Using Negative Keywords

As I’m sure you’re well aware, there is a TON of information on the Internet!  That means that sometimes people searching for something get results that are, well, not what they’re looking for.  Sesame Communications provides a useful example. There is a very famous children’s tv program with the name “Sesame” in it and there are also many “sesame seed” […]
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6 Quick and Effective Facebook Content Ideas

Mar 30 / by: Jennie Rogers
Social Posting Ideas

Creating and sharing engaging content is the foundation of a successful social media presence. The more authentic, informative, and eye-catching your content is, the more your online audience will engage with it.  Stumped on what you should post? Keep reading to get 6 Facebook content ideas you can use right now!    Patient Testimonials – Online reviews are great, but […]
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3 Tips for Connecting with Your Patients via Social Media

Mar 23 / by: Jennie Rogers
Social Media Suggestions

Utilizing social media to stay in touch with your patients outside of the office is essential for not only keeping them in the loop on your latest updates but also for establishing a strong and loyal fan base.  In this blog post, I will cover 3 ways in which you can easily become a better community builder all while helping […]
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3 Benefits of Having an Active Facebook Business Profile

Mar 16 / by: Nicole Gamble
Facebook Profile

Phone books and print advertisements are becoming a thing of the past. The internet gives people massive amounts of information in seconds. When it comes to getting additional information about a business and confirming its credibility, people typically first turn to a practice’s website followed by their social media profiles.  Facebook is the biggest social media platform in use. There […]
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5 Ways a Great Website Attracts New Patients

Mar 08 / by: Michael Fitterer
Website Design

Websites are not created equal. A great site will provide the digital foundation for attracting prospective patients. A bad website will dissuade people from learning more.  That’s why ensuring your practice’s website is truly top-notch is a necessary business decision. Within this post, I’ll cover 5 key ways in which having a great website will help drive new patients to […]
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