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Why Your Practice Should Have a Blog

Mar 02 / by: Michael Fitterer
Why Blogging is Important

The correlation between attracting new patients to your practice and having a blog that gets regularly updated isn’t totally obvious. At face value, coming up with ideas for relevant blog posts and writing them is a time-intensive process. The rewards aren’t immediately apparent, either.  Yet, I’m writing to tell you that maintaining a blog IS a great marketing tool for […]
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Info Prospective Patients Need to Find on Your Website

Feb 09 / by: Naomi Newell
Website Formula Elements

Let’s assume a prospective patient has landed on your site and you’ve caught their attention with the design. Next, they’ll be looking for very specific information about your practice. The content on your site is going to play a deciding role in whether or not the person wants to reach out to your practice.  Sesame recently evaluated site traffic for […]
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3 Website Elements Visitors Look for Immediately

Feb 02 / by: Naomi Newell
Most Important Website Design Elements

Your website needs to represent your practice well. Just like Apple or Nike, your practice is also a brand. It’s up to you to determine how your brand should be portrayed.  Existing patients know and trust your qualifications. Yet, with an abundance of competition in most markets prospective patients need access to information before making a decision. In this post […]
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Understanding + Using Google My Business Insights

Jan 26 / by: Aliah Rasmussen
Google My Business Optimization

The Insights panel found within the Google My Business (GMB) dashboard provides business owners with customer engagement data gathered from their GMB listing. This data can inform practices on what’s working and what isn’t with their profile so that they can, in turn, optimize in order to get more clicks and visibility from prospective patients.  Upon signing into your GMB […]
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Which Links Should I Pursue?

Jan 20 / by: Rebekah McBride
Best Options for Building Links to Your Practice's Website

A link building campaign is a process focused on acquiring links from other relevant and high-quality websites to your own website. Building links to your website is important because they can become a great source of referral traffic to your practice. In addition, search engines favor websites with many good inbound links in their search results above sites with fewer […]
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3 Top Social Media Trends in 2021

Jan 12 / by: Jennie Rogers
Social Trends to Take Advantage of

Does one of your New Year’s resolutions include posting more frequently to your practice’s social media profiles? Well, you are in luck! In this post, I’ll share with you the most important trends to implement into your social media strategy for 2021.  With people now spending more time at home due to the pandemic there is a significant increase in […]
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The Best Shots + Tech Specs for Videos of Practices

Jan 05 / by: Brennan Smallwood
Best Shots + Specs for Dental Practice Videos

After determining that you want to include custom video footage of your practice on your website’s homepage the next step is to plan it out.  Attention spans on the Internet are minimal. If you can’t capture site visitor attention right away there’s a good chance they will leave and never come back. That’s why having a strong array of shots […]
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Options for Adding Video to Your Homepage

Dec 29 / by: Brennan Smallwood
Shooting Video for Your Practice

Adding a video to the homepage of a practice’s website can be a great way to attract prospective patient attention and increase engagement.   The two primary options for adding a homepage video are stock videos and custom videos.  I will cover the pros and cons of each option below.   Option #1 – Stock Video If you don’t have a […]
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Understanding PPC Account Structure

Dec 15 / by: Michael Fitterer
Why PPC Account Structure Matters

When practices begin Pay Per Click (PPC) marketing efforts plenty of uncertainty usually exists. Whether done through a marketing agency or internally many crucial initial decisions must be made.  Among them are what the ad budget should be, which keywords to select, where and when ads should run, as well as an abundance of others.  However, one crucial yet frequently […]
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It Pays to Use All Available Ad Copy Space

Dec 08 / by: Michael Fitterer
PPC Ad Character Count Matters

Visibility is a crucial pillar of successful marketing. Catching the eye of one’s target audience is the never-ending challenge marketers face.  In the digital ads realm that means effectively leveraging the ad copy space Google and Microsoft (Bing) allocate. Luckily, because ads are their biggest revenue generator search engines continue to innovate and expand the optional visibility they give to […]
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