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Using YouTube to Your Practice’s Advantage

Jul 18 / by: Jennie Rogers

Does your practice’s content strategy need something new? Have you mastered Instagram and Facebook and are ready to add a new platform to your repertoire? Utilizing YouTube to add videos to your content strategy gameplan is a way to cultivate a stronger brand voice by letting your audience become acquainted with you and your office and also allows you to […]
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Google My Business Practice FAQs

Jul 16 / by: Naomi Newell

You can always count on Google for one thing; a constant and steady stream of changes to local search. With Mobilegeddon shaking up personalized search results, it’s important to stay up to date with current trends to set yourself apart from your competition and promote your practice!  Becoming highly relevant online for the keywords you are trying to rank for […]
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Our Most Popular Webinars of the Past 3 Years

Jul 02 / by: Michael Fitterer
Most popular blog posts

At Sesame we appreciate the benefits of a good webinar. Topics that provide tips for increasing the size of your practice, improving efficiency or even ideas for polishing communication with current patients can all help your practice succeed. Yet, there are only so many hours available each day. This blog post aims to save you valuable time and energy you […]
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Using IGTV for Marketing Your Practice

Jun 28 / by: Jennie Rogers

Instagram is constantly evolving to incorporate more innovative features for its users. One of the latest additions to the platform is IGTV (Instagram Television), which launched last summer and works as a separate platform away from your main photo feed, focusing solely on video content. One of the main highlights of IGTV is that it allows users to post videos […]
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What is Schema Markup?

Jun 18 / by: Phil Horton

In the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) world there are many terms that get thrown around. They include keywords, domain authority, metadata, and link building. Yet, one aspect of SEO that often goes overlooked is something called Schema markup. So what exactly is it? Google and other search engines are constantly “crawling” websites. They take the information on your website to […]
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Should Your Practice Have Multiple Facebook Pages?

Jun 14 / by: Adrian Vargas

If your practice has multiple locations, should you create separate Facebook pages for each of them? It’s a common question for larger practices, and a great one to ask too. Consolidating your brand under one page or creating multiple pages for your various locations has both pros and cons, so let’s discuss what they are. Establishing a singular page for […]
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What Are Google My Business Posts?

Jun 05 / by: Phil Horton

If you’ve ever done a Google search for a business, you’ve no doubt seen a business appear on the right side of the page with their core business information attached: address, hours of operation, phone number, etc. These are Google My Business (GMB) listings and they are one of the most powerful ways to improve your business’ visibility online. Taking […]
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How to Customize Your Content in the Sesame Social Suite

May 28 / by: Michelle Weiss
Customize your content with Sesame Social

Our Sesame Social Suite is a platform where you can view upcoming content that is scheduled to be published on your social media channels, view analytics for how your content is performing online, browse articles to publish on your Facebook page, and more. If you’re a Sesame Social member, lucky you! You’ve got access to all of these great features […]
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Marketing Tools You Can Use to Your Advantage

May 23 / by: Alexis Mallos

As a dental professional, you’re constantly bombarded by marketing and sales folks telling you what your practice needs and why. There are so many tools available to you that it can be hard to figure out which ones your practice should be using and why. Today we’re going to dive in and chat about six great, easy-to-use marketing tools that […]
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Why Custom Content Matters

May 21 / by: Aliah Rasmussen

One of the difficulties in working with a new website is creating a steady flow of traffic to your website. Your practice or service may be new and exciting, but that will not matter if potential clients and customers are not actually paying attention to the product or services you offer. Creating customized content helps the web notice you. When […]
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