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In-Office Content: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

May 15 / by: Tyler Harris

Showing off your office’s personality is a vital aspect of any social media campaign. Utilizing unique, in-office created content is a quick and easy way to show off your office’s personality and voice. Unique content is a term that applies to the photos, videos, and anything else that are personal to your office. Simply put, this is the content that […]
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Ranking Outside Your City

May 08 / by: Rebekah McBride

Looking to rank in a surrounding city? There are a few strategies you can use to target the areas around you that you are not physically located in. Pay-Per-Click Advertising on Google is a popular way to reach surrounding cities, it is quick and effective but can be costly. Once our SEO team assesses your website against Google’s recommendations and […]
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Instagram Ads: Grow Your Audience through Paid Advertising

Apr 30 / by: Jennie Rogers

Now that you’ve established an Instagram account for your business that engages your audience and maintains followers; how do you continue to grow your Instagram presence? The simple answer is paid advertising. Successful social media marketing is becoming increasingly pay to play– your posts will get minimal impressions and engagement if you ‘re not strategically putting money towards promoting individual […]
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It’s Gonna Be May

Apr 26 / by: Phil Horton

Welp, in the words of JT, “It’s gonna be May!”. If you’re unfamiliar with this pop culture moment, the song technically says “me” and not “May” but back in 2012 it was “memified” to say May, making JT the king of May 1st. Bet he never saw that coming. Personally, this is a holiday that I can get behind celebrating. […]
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Understanding Your SEO Quarterly Report

Apr 23 / by: Naomi Ellis

Each quarter, between the 10th and the 15th of that given month, you will receive your quarterly report in addition to your monthly search report.  The quarterly report reflects back on your progress over the last three months and includes your keyword rankings. Your keyword rankings are not present on your monthly report because it takes Google several weeks to […]
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Making the Most of Your Social Calendar

Apr 17 / by: Michelle Hammond

If you’ve been doing this social media marketing thing for a while, you’re probably familiar with the importance of having a content calendar. Social calendar, content plan, social strategy, whatever you want to call it, it all comes down to the same idea: having a consistent, actionable plan for your business’ social media presence. And more importantly, committing to keeping […]
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Using LiveChat to Convert Web Visitors Into New Patients

Apr 11 / by: Phil Horton

  Does your website just sit there, letting visitors come and go without converting them into new patients? With Sesame LiveChat  Powered by Ngage, you can quickly engage with web visitors before they leave to ensure they get the information they need to choose you as their doctor. That means fewer missed opportunities and more new patients!   What is […]
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What are Meta Titles and Why they are Important?

Apr 09 / by: John Lee

First, let’s start with meta tags and what they do to help your website. What is a meta tag? Meta tags are key components of a website that tell search engines what the website/page is about.  It’s the first part of the website that gets recognized by all search engines. You’ve probably also heard of terms like meta titles (which […]
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Standing Out: How to Target Your Ideal Audience with Facebook Ads

Apr 04 / by: Adrian Vargas

With the way the social media landscape has changed, ads have quickly become an essential part of maintaining your online presence. However, getting it started isn’t always easy. At first, you might want to simply boost posts, but what are you measuring? What is the goal and how do you know it worked? Impulsiveness can lead to a waste of […]
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Pranks to Increase Engagement on April Fool’s

Mar 15 / by: Michelle Hammond

April Fool’s is approaching and that means you’ve got a great opportunity to create content for your practice coming your way. Everyone loves a good April Fool’s joke. Documenting your office’s April Fool’s prank is a fun way to engage your followers and add some diversity to your content. Whether it’s something simple or elaborate, we can almost guarantee your […]
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