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SEO Risks to Take and Risks to Avoid

Jan 21 / by: Phil Horton

While no one outside of Google officially knows the exact algorithm to make a website rank well, SEO professionals spend countless hours hypothesizing, testing, and implementing strategies where they see success. Many of these are obvious: original content, correct business information, and meaningful backlinks, to name a few. But what is there beyond these best practices that might help give […]
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How Personalized Search Results Impact Rankings

Jan 14 / by: Rebekah McBride

  Welcome to the age of personalized search! Over the past few years, Google has been feverishly updating their search technology to create a more custom and rich user experience for local business owners and their customers. While these changes make it easier for customers to find local, relevant businesses they love, it makes it a bit harder for business […]
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Setting Digital Marketing Goals for 2019

Jan 10 / by: Alexis Mallos

As a marketing professional, I am always looking for new ways to grow and build on my understanding of marketing. I do that by reading online marketing blogs and networking with other marketing professionals. This year, I’ve decided to really invest in reading educational books surrounding the marketing space. We’re ever-evolving in this field and I am thirsty for knowledge […]
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A Sesame Year in Review

Dec 19 / by: Alexis Mallos

It’s been over 17 years since Sesame Communications opened its doors. Since that first day, we’ve been pioneering new and innovative ways to help market practices in the dental industry. As all great companies do, we’ve had to change and grow according to  the demand of the industry every year, and this year was no exception. We like to call […]
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Promoting Your Practice Over The Holidays

Dec 12 / by: Jennie Rogers

Feeling festive? ‘Tis the season to take advantage of the excitement in the air and post unique, holiday-themed content to your social media platforms. Don’t worry about having to do anything too elaborate. Simplicity is always key–even when it comes to holiday posts! Below are some ideas that you can try out to start spreading some holiday cheer to your […]
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How SEO and Social Work Together

Dec 06 / by: Phil Horton

Peanut butter and jelly. Sonny and Cher. Seattle and rain. These are just some iconic duos that have always worked together. They are the yin to their yang, the Harry to their Sally, the… well you get the picture. Most things have a perfect partner, and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and social media are no exception. It is not uncommon […]
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5 Actionable SEO Tips

Dec 03 / by: Aliah Rasmussen

With a new year just around the corner, it’s time to begin thinking about your SEO roadmap. Google is continually revamping its algorithm to make searches more local based, so it’s important to update your strategy accordingly. Several SEO industry leaders recently came together to develop a list of what they believe are the most important Local Search Ranking Factors. […]
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Meet The Social Experts of Sesame

Nov 29 / by: Alexis Mallos

Social media is a key component of your practice’s online marketing strategy. Lucky for you, we have five awesome humans on the Social Team. Together, they develop, design and execute unique social strategies for you and your practice. Social media experts. Gurus. Dream team. Call them what you want! We chatted with them about their lives, expertise and love of […]
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