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Successful Social Media Campaigns You Can Learn From

Jul 25 / by: Michelle Hammond

Running a social media campaign isn’t easy, depending on what industry you’re in or what service you’re trying to provide, there are a lot of variables to consider. A social media campaign could be a paid ad, a boosted post, a contest, promoting a hashtag, etc. All of these different campaign forms can have different goals attached to them, too. […]
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The Inside Scoop on Phil Horton

Jul 24 / by: Alexis Mallos

The  Sesame  team continues to grow and we’ve had some staff changes as of late. Our newest team member, who’s actually a former team member, is Phil Horton! Phil worked at Sesame for 3+ years as a Social Media Specialist. He took a small sabbatical to try a different career path but has come back to Sesame in a new […]
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A Quick Guide To Backlinking

Jul 19 / by: Tyler Rundle

If you’re reading this blog post and trying to decide whether you’re going to catch up on a Game of Thrones episode or experiment with baking for the first time with the free hour you have over the weekend, I’ve got a much better idea. Let’s add backlinks to your website! In five easy steps, you can make a difference […]
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A/B Test Like a Champ – Creating Email Marketing Campaigns that Convert

Jul 17 / by: Alexis Mallos

There are an estimated 247 billion emails sent per day. You may be thinking to yourself, “That’s a big number, how do I set my practice apart and ensure my marketing emails are opened and read?” Creating a strong email marketing campaign takes time, practice, and A LOT of testing. In this space, testing emails is referred to as A/B […]
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Sharing a Moment: Using Instagram Stories to Your Advantage

Jul 12 / by: Jennie Rogers

  Are you seeking a fresh way to invigorate your social media strategy? Look no further than Instagram’s latest feature: Instagram Stories. Instagram Stories allow users to post photos or short videos that disappear after 24 hours. You might wonder how a business would utilize a feature that has a timeline for content. It’s simple: photo and video highlights of […]
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Inconsistent NAP Listings Can Hurt Your SEO Rankings

Jul 11 / by: John Lee

  When most people think of a nap, they might think about a lazy Sunday afternoon, catching up on some sleep after traveling, or what you need about an hour after Thanksgiving dinner. When it comes to your business, NAP has an entirely new meaning. NAP stands for Name, Address, Phone Number. In the SEO world, having a consistent NAP […]
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This July, Celebrate More than Fireworks at your Practice!

Jun 25 / by: Alexis Mallos

With June coming to an end, we’re almost halfway through 2018! As someone in the dental field, you know your business ebbs and flows, especially in the summertime. There is no time like the present to work on your marketing efforts for this summer and beyond! We know that coming up with creative content for your marketing efforts can be […]
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Elevating Your Online Presence: A Rundown of Facebook Ads

Jun 18 / by: Adrian Vargas

The realm of online advertising is constantly evolving, so it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle. However, by mastering the basics you’ll not only be ahead of your competitors, but you’ll also be able to better reach your audience. Today, we’re going to be covering something everyone should be in the know about:  how to advertise on Facebook. As […]
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Understanding Where Your Content Should Go

Jun 11 / by: Michelle Hammond

With so many social media platforms out there, it can be hard to know where your content belongs. Does the same photo of an office birthday belong on an Instagram post or just on an Instagram story? Should you share it on Facebook and Twitter? If this sounds familiar to you, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Different platforms serve different […]
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The Keys to Social Media Branding

May 22 / by: Caity McCarthy

Picture the inside of your practice. The paint color on the walls carefully chosen, the upholstery on the chairs hand-selected, and the logo on the wall crafted specifically to reflect your practice branding. You’ve taken the time to choose each detail in the office to give off the right feel as soon as patients walk through your door. Now, can […]
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