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Out of Office? Keep Them in the Know

May 21 / by: Michelle Hammond

There is nothing more frustrating than looking up a business online and checking their hours, then reaching out to schedule an appointment or showing up at their office only to discover that they are closed. Patients (and potential patients) check your business hours online more than you’d think, that’s why it’s so important to always keep them up to date. […]
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Mother’s Day

May 06 / by: Caity McCarthy

Moms. They’ve been there for us through it all. Between working hard in their careers, providing top-notch life advice, cheering us on at every sports game, and being all around excellent role models, it’s not uncommon to wonder if there’s anything they can’t do. Moms deserve a round of applause for the work they do every day and Mother’s Day […]
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Sesame SEO Direct Powered By Yext

May 01 / by: Amy Racher

Sesame Communications is now powered by Yext, giving our members a new approach to digital marketing! As you may or may not know, 73 percent of high intent traffic is finding your practice through platforms such as Facebook, Google, Yelp and many more before finding your website. With Sesame SEO Direct, your local listings are found, corrected and consistent across […]
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May the 4th Be With You, Young Padawan

Apr 30 / by: Michelle Hammond

Oh, Star Wars. With its unmistakable opening music, characters, unique creatures, and lightsabers it’s a film beloved by all (if not mostly all) that continues to inspire us. It’s pretty incredible that since the premier of the first film in the original trilogy in 1977, it’s a storyline that people still care about and want to follow. There’s even a […]
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What Happens When You Change Your Domain

Apr 18 / by: Naomi Ellis

As any online professional can tell you, changing your practice’s website domain name will affect your SEO in some way, shape or form.  However, the main question from all our doctors is how changing your domain name will affect your search engine results and keyword rankings. With a new domain, Google has to come back and crawl your website, re-index […]
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Earth Day 2018

Apr 16 / by: Caity McCarthy

  Earth Day is right around the corner and now is the perfect time to start thinking green! You’re probably familiar with one or two eco-friendly lifestyle changes you can make at home, but there are also many ways to care for the planet while at the office. This year’s Earth Day mission is to end plastic pollution, and in […]
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The Do’s and Don’ts of Instagram: How to Maximize Your Presence

Apr 13 / by: Adrian Vargas

When it comes to Instagram, having fun and being creative is the true essence of the platform. However, as you’re building your brand and growing, there are some practices that you should follow and some you’ll be better off without. Below we’re outlining some of basic do’s and don’ts to get you started. DO’s Focus on photographs – Instagram was […]
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Facebook Reviews: The Good and The Bad

Apr 09 / by: Caity McCarthy

As a business owner, you no doubt understand the value of customer feedback. With the help of social media, patients can easily leave a review about any type of product, service or website with the click of a few buttons. While every business owner hopes to receive nothing but positive reviews, the reality is you may need to deal with […]
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The Relationship between SEO and Your Search Engine

Apr 05 / by: Rebekah McBride

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the most powerful tool in your digital marketing arsenal. The relationship between SEO and search engines is symbiotic. Search engines such as Google continue to update their algorithm to provide the best experience for their customers, which means business owners have to match Google’s expectations. The necessity for business owners to keep up with the […]
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Are Instagram Stories the new Snapchat? Probably.

Apr 04 / by: Michelle Hammond

When Instagram stories first launched in August of 2016, many people doubted their ability to compete with Snapchat. In fact, a lot of people felt like it was a blatant rip-off that would never stick. Both platforms offer essentially the same concept: a quick video for your followers’ entertainment which disappears after 24 hours. They both offer color filters, the […]
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