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5 Ways to Improve Your Twitter Presence

Mar 23 / by: Caity McCarthy

Whether you’re an expert tweeter or brand new to the coop, Twitter can be a daunting territory to master. The proper tools and practices can help you network and engage with more patients in just 280 characters or less. Below, your Sesame social team shares five ways to increase your presence on Twitter and become a pro in the Twitterverse. […]
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My Engagement Has Been Ruff! What Should I Do Meow?

Mar 21 / by: Scott George

It may seem that with your Facebook page, you’ve been through it all. Birthdays, anniversaries, the Harlem Shake. At this point you’re probably thinking, what is left to do to keep people interested in coming to your page on a consistent basis? Well, there’s a chance that your furry friends could help you take your practice’s brand to the next […]
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How to Use Content Marketing for Your Dental Practice

Mar 19 / by: Alexis Mallos

As a successful business owner, your goals of providing amazing patient care and growing your practice likely have not changed over the years. However, as the marketing world continues to shift online, ensuring your practice stands out among the competition becomes more of a challenge. Traditional marketing has become less prevalent to make way for a new type of marketing […]
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Google 360 Tours

Mar 16 / by: Phil Horton

You may have heard about Google 360 Tours or have been approached by a Trusted Google Photographer about creating one for your practice. But the question remains: what are they and are they a good investment for your practice? A Google 360 Tour allows you to invite your customers into your practice for a virtual tour of your office. They […]
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Engage Your Audience with Instagram Stories

Mar 12 / by: Scott George

Since its launch  August 2016, Instagram stories have become a popular way to keep your followers in the know, in real time. You can add photos or videos to your story, and it will disappear within  24 hours of posting. Your followers can view your story in the 24-hour window and even have the option to reply to you directly. […]
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St. Patrick’s Day Contest Ideas

Mar 12 / by: Caity McCarthy

With St. Patrick’s Day just around the corner, you’ve got the perfect opportunity to host a creative contest that gives back to your wonderful patients all while encouraging engagement with your online brand. Don’t worry, there’s no need to search for inspiration at the end of a rainbow – we’ve gathered these contest ideas that will easily get your patients […]
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Three Tips to Help Treatment Coordinators Convert Pending Patients Into Production

Mar 06 / by: Jill Allen

As an Orthodontic Consultant, I have the unique opportunity to see each and every practice I work with in a way that not many others are afforded. I spend hours observing the intricate workings of new patient consultations; helping both the Treatment Coordinators and their doctors get to a point where they can revel in the feelings of a closing […]
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Instagram Update

Mar 05 / by: Caity McCarthy

At Sesame, we strive to make your social media experience as easy as possible. We know that to balance running your practice, checking off your weekly to-dos and spending time with friends and family, efficiency is key. That’s why we are so excited to introduce Instagram publishing to the Social Suite! Because when you can manage all of your social […]
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The Future of SEO and Social Media

Feb 27 / by: Caity McCarthy

  In the ever-changing world of online marketing, it can be easy to give up on keeping up. The reality is that electronics and the internet will continue to influence our businesses, and they show no signs of slowing down. So, what should you be looking out for? Let’s take a look at a few key trends that we expect […]
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