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What makes a SOCIAL media campaign successful?

Dec 14 / by: admin

      Your business objectives and social media strategy go hand in hand. When thinking of your business objectives, consider how your social media presence can help you accomplish your goals. Do you want to attain new patients and/or keep existing ones? Would you like to gain more followers on your social pages? Create better relationships with existing patients? Choose […]
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#DIY With Your Own Practice Hashtag

Dec 13 / by: Scott George

  It seems like you can’t go anywhere without seeing a hashtag from movies, television, restaurants, even your local grocery store – they are everywhere. For those of you who don’t know, a hashtag is a simple keyword phrase that is spelled out with no spaces and a pound sign (#) in front of it. For example, a hashtag we […]
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Sesame Attends SIC

Nov 15 / by: Phil Horton

Sesame Communications is committed to staying current with digital trends to ensure that we are providing our members with the best possible service. With that in mind, we recently sent our SEO and Social Media teams to the Seattle Interactive Conference (SIC). SIC draws the thousands of attendees from cutting-edge businesses and leading brands, based in the Northwest and around […]
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Sesame at MozCon!

Oct 31 / by: Amy Racher

 The Sesame SEO Team recently attended one of the largest and most influential SEO conferences in the country—MozCon. MozCon is a digital marketing conference featuring forward-thinking sessions and networking, centered around SEO and digital media. Our SEO Team looks forward to the conference every year as they take the digital marketing strategies they learn and implement them at Sesame to better […]
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Protect your Website with SSL Certificates

Oct 03 / by: Tyler Carter

Protecting your identity online is extremely important for both you and your patients. At Sesame, we understand the importance of online security, which is why we are offering Free SSL Certificates to select members with Sesame responsive-designed websites.* What are SSL Certificates? SSL Certificates provide secure, encrypted communications between your practice website and your patient’s internet browser.  SSL stands for […]
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Boost Your Brand with Facebook Paid Ads

Sep 07 / by: admin

It’s no longer a myth: reaching your fans on your Facebook page is becoming harder and harder. Over recent years, the organic reach of your page’s posts has diminished quite a bit. But why is that? An answer to this question starts with understanding Facebook’s goal. In a recent release on the latest Facebook algorithm change, here is what Adam […]
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How to Enhance the Presence of Your Dental Practice in Google Maps

Aug 24 / by: admin

Getting top positions on Google Maps for dental searches is the ultimate dream for many dental offices! However, Google has not always been very clear on how to achieve better visibility on Google Maps. Thankfully, Google has become a bit more transparent as to what it takes to gain better visibility on their maps platform and has developed better tools […]
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YouTube Best Practices

Aug 04 / by: admin

In past blogs, you have heard us discuss just how important video is for your increasing your brand’s visibility on networks like Facebook and Instagram, but you may be asking yourself, “Hey, what about YouTube?” You didn’t think we’d leave out the video posting and sharing giant, did you? Let’s dive into some YouTube strategy in today’s blog! There are […]
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Lure More New Patients to Your Practice with Pokémon GO

Jul 19 / by: Jaime Couden

Unless you have been living under a rock the past couple of weeks, you know that Nintendo released the Pokémon GO app and it has taken the world for a spin. If you’re not playing it yourself, you’ve at least heard about it or have seen huge groups of kids on the side of the road staring at their phones […]
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Boost Your Practice’s Brand with Instagram

Jul 13 / by: admin

Looking for a great way to expand your content efforts on social media? Look no further, because as you probably already know, Instagram is a wildly popular network with 500 million active users each month. And, if you thought that Instagram was just for taking pictures of delicious meals, adorable pets, and your favorite vacation spots, then it’s time to […]
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