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Staying on Top of the Trends – Is your website optimized for mobile browsing?

Jul 15 / by: Larry Emmott, DDS

Smartphone use is growing faster -much faster- than PC growth. Only three years after the iPhone launched, the smartphone market was already bigger than the PC. Huge numbers (many hundreds of millions) of users access the Internet through a mobile device and the numbers will be increasing. What does that mean for dentistry? At the most basic level, it means […]
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Recare: Your #1 Internal Marketing Tool

Jun 17 / by: Rhonda R. Savage, DDS

It takes time and energy to get patients back in the door. The first rule is, “no patient leaves without their next appointment”. With that being said, if you have a highly transient population, you may be better off contacting this segment of your patient base closer to the due date. With these patients, they often insist on scheduling at […]
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The Role of Online Patient Reviews in Creating a Solid Reputation for Your Dental Practice

May 13 / by: Naomi Cooper

In today’s digital world, online marketing and online reputation management are critical for marketing success. The problem is that anyone can build a website or create a blog and position themselves as an “expert” regardless of their credentials – or lack thereof. This makes it difficult for consumers to filter through the junk and find a credible expert when looking […]
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Solid or Soft?

Apr 22 / by: Larry Emmott, DDS

A marketing study from Cobalt group found that 55% of leads generated from the Internet resulted in a sale. Now for the bad news; only 10% of the 55% went to the “intended” seller. These results were for car dealers however there are some lessons to be learned for dentists as well. The survey identified different types of Internet prospects, […]
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Understanding Google’s New Ranking Rules

Apr 07 / by: Larry Emmott, DDS

There is a great deal of buzz in the online world about the new Google ranking rules that go into effect April 21. Is it time to panic? Will your website disappear from Google? Relax, if you have been following our advice when it comes to dental web pages the big changes should not have much effect on your dental […]
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If You Change My Appointment, Then It’s OK for Me to Change on You!

Mar 02 / by: Rhonda R. Savage, DDS

Broken appointments and last minute cancellations: While you can’t prevent this issue completely, there are things you can do to decrease the frequency of BA’s and last minute changes in your schedule. I had a medical appointment that I’d waited 3 months for; but then they called and changed it. Another 2 months passed (It was for the dreaded annual […]
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Infrastructure and Plumbing

Feb 18 / by: Larry Emmott, DDS

I once heard a speaker who asked his audience what they considered the most significant labor-saving invention of their lifetime. Most people were giving answers such as microwaves and dishwashers. Then one old fellow stood up and said all that fancy stuff was fine but in his opinion, the most significant invention was indoor plumbing! The point is that we […]
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5 Must-Ask Questions When Hiring an SEO Professional

Jan 14 / by: Naomi Cooper

  Hiring a professional to manage your online presence is a smart idea but at the same time, it can seem a bit daunting. These days it seems as if everyone is a self-proclaimed “expert”, so it is important to ask the right questions to make sure you are working with a true professional.   Question 1: Do they guarantee […]
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Search Engine Optimization 101

Dec 18 / by: Naomi Cooper

SEO is the process of increasing a website’s ranking on a search engine’s results page. The idea is that the higher a website appears in the rankings, the more likely people will click through to that site. Search engines, such as Google, Bing and Yahoo, are constantly refining their algorithms, forcing SEO experts to stay on top of the latest […]
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Online Strategies for Building a Loyal and Profitable Patient Community

Nov 05 / by: admin

Having an understanding of the online tools available to your practice is a paramount step towards building and fostering a loyal patient community in today’s fast-paced, digital world. Here at Sesame, our technology and services equip practices so that they can effectively reach and engage their patient base. With the right solutions and online strategies, patients keep appointments, pay their […]
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