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A New Horizon of Search on Facebook

Jan 30 / by: admin

For many of Facebook’s 1 billion users, there has been a persistent frustration in the social network’s search function. All of that is about to change now with the release of Facebook’s new Graph Search. Hands down, the lumbering giant in the field of search and social search, thus far is Google, but there is one thing even Google can’t […]
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iPhones, Patient Reviews and You: 4 Tips to Optimize Your Practice Listing on Yelp

Jan 21 / by: Amy Racher

Apple released the iPhone 5 on September 12, 2012, and introduced iOS 6, an advanced mobile operating system. While the iPhone features the latest technology, it also introduced a new maps app with Apple-designed cartography, turn-by-turn navigation and Yelp reviews. With iOS6, the default maps application is now powered by Apple Maps. You may be wondering what this means for […]
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Join us for the Savage—Sesame Summit!

Jan 03 / by: admin

We’re excited to partner with our friends at Miles Global to bring you an all-day seminar full of practical tips on practice management and online marketing. This interactive, hands-on event will ignite and excite your marketing and patient management, propelling your practice to the next level in 2013. Benefit from practical, easy to implement tools that will guarantee better production, […]
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[Guest Post] Leverage the Power of Google for Your Practice

Dec 04 / by: Naomi Cooper

You may know Google best as the popular search engine, but when it comes to online marketing, social media and SEO, Google is a serious powerhouse. Google purchased YouTube, the largest video sharing site to date, and launched both Google+ and Google+ Local. Why is this important for your practice? Patients are turning to the internet to find health care […]
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Webinar: Creating World-Class Customer Service at Your Practice

Nov 26 / by: admin

Tomorrow we’re looking forward to welcoming back Fran Pangakis and Shari Tastad of EBrilliance to present a webinar on delivering the WOW in customer service. Learn the three most common mistakes practices make, and discover why your practice culture may be your most important asset, and how you can empower your employees to perform and embody your core values. Fran […]
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Mistakes to Avoid In Your Dental Website: Part II

Nov 21 / by: admin

Last week we turned our attention to the common mistakes we see with dental website designs, and explored five mistakes related to design and functionality. If you missed those tips, click here to read Mistakes to Avoid In Your Dental Website: Part I. Today, in part II, we will cover the next five mistakes to avoid, all related to the […]
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Mistakes to Avoid In Your Dental Website: Part I

Nov 15 / by: admin

How important is it to have an appealing website? According to comScore, a digital analytics company, more than 139.1 million consumers utilize the Internet to seek healthcare information from healthcare sites on a monthly basis. Remember, even prospective patients who hear about you from a family or friend are still likely to check out your practice website before making the […]
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How the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Will Affect Your Dental Practice

Nov 13 / by: admin

This Thursday we are pleased to welcome Adam Decker, Co-owner of Veros Dental for a webinar on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare), as it relates to the dentist, their employees, and their practice. This practical webinar will cover the provisions of the act that will specifically impact your practice in the near future, and […]
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Search Engine Keywords Explained

Oct 30 / by: Amy Racher

What is a keyword? Sure, you’ve heard the term before and know that it has something to do with making your website show up more in search engines, but how exactly do keywords work? When speaking with our members, the term “keyword” comes up a lot when discussing search strategies. A keyword typically refers to one of three things in […]
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Guest Blog: Cultivating Online Trust

Oct 24 / by: Naomi Cooper

This week, Naomi Cooper, President of Minoa Marketing and Chief Marketing Consultant for Pride Institute, wrote a guest blog about reputation management. A respected industry opinion leader, consultant, author and speaker, Naomi works one-on-one with dentists and specialists who are looking to assess their current social media and marketing plans to develop a cohesive marketing approach. Reputation Management: Fostering a […]
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