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How Facebook’s Algorithm Influences Content Visibility

Oct 05 / by: Nicole Gamble
Facebook Algorithm Traits

If you are unsure of how Facebook decides how to display content, look no further! In this blog post, I will cover how Facebook’s algorithm indexes content.  The Facebook algorithm is a machine learning ranking system with several layers that help determine the order in which posts are displayed on your news feed. The algorithm is continually changing and evolving […]
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Increasing Follower Engagement on Instagram

Sep 28 / by: Marie Dubray
Instagram Engagement Tips

Gaining followers and learning about your audience is a crucial step towards building your social media strategy and a great online presence. However, many people neglect to focus on retaining followers and learning best practices for engagement. You must regularly comment, share, like, follow, and participate in any sort of engagement to prove that your content can resonate with those […]
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Fall Social Media Content Ideas

Sep 21 / by: Tyler Harris
Fall Social Media Content Ideas

While fall may bring us colorful leaves and pumpkin spice flavored everything, it also offers a chance to spruce up your social media profiles with some quick and easy content ideas. Fall is a great time to share what’s happening in your office in a way that will keep your patients interested and engaged.  Whether you’re decorating your office in […]
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7 Keys to Great Search Results Rankings

Sep 14 / by: Naomi Newell
SEO Elements Search Engines Care About

Visibility in relevant search results hinges on how the search engine algorithms view your website.   Search engine algorithms are designed to sort through the hundreds of billions of websites they’ve indexed to find the most relevant result for a search query. Search Engines exist to uncover, understand, and assemble all the content the internet has to offer in order to […]
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Online Visibility Starts with Homepage Content

Sep 08 / by: Michael Fitterer
Homepage Content is Crucial for Online Visibility

In the realm of websites, the homepage is the most important page. In nearly all instances, the homepage receives far more visitors than any other page on a given website. That’s why designers are typically very attentive to a homepage’s physical appearance.  As the gateway to the rest of a website the homepage must attract a visitor’s attention while clearly […]
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Tips for Building a Successful Practice Brand

Aug 31 / by: Marie Dubray
Building a Practice Brand

We live in an age of authenticity. Our society is so focused on social media that many brands leverage this fascination to reach a massive audience with different demographics.  So it comes as no surprise that the most successful practices are able to connect with their audience. Understanding what the prospective patient is looking for in a dental provider is […]
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It’s Time to Unify Digital Marketing Efforts

Aug 24 / by: Michael Fitterer
Unite Digital Marketing Efforts

Patients are picky. Oral health plays a massive role in overall health and well-being and people do not take it lightly. That’s why most people take their time and make informed decisions when opting to select a new dental, orthodontic, or specialty care provider. In order to truly appeal to prospective patients, practices must understand the patient decision cycle and […]
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How to Create Engaging Video Content

Aug 17 / by: Marie Dubray
Video Creation Tips for Your Practice

Humans are visual creatures by nature, so it comes as no surprise that video content has continued to grow in popularity within the past decade. Video content is any type of content that features video. It can come in many forms such as vlogs, GIFs, live videos, testimonials, presentations, and more. The demand for this sort of content continuously surpasses […]
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Your Website Must Have a Great Call to Action

Aug 10 / by: Michael Fitterer
Websites Must Have a Call to Action

Attracting prospective patients to your website can be challenging. Especially in larger towns and cities where people have more options when it comes to selecting a dental care provider.  The necessity to stand out from the competition is why so much emphasis is placed on digital marketing efforts like search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC), and social media marketing. But […]
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5 Google Page Experience Factors that will Influence Rankings

Aug 03 / by: Naomi Newell
Google Algorithm Updates

Google has finally confirmed its much-anticipated Page Experience algorithm update rollout. Their new website evaluation factors may cause fluctuations in ranking and website performance as its crawlers determine if your website is compliant with the new updates. The Page Experience ranking factors will prioritize websites that provide a quality user experience to visitors. Basically, when someone is searching for a […]
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